Why do Flamingos Stand on one Leg : Flamingos are known as the highly gregarious bird species and the gathering of the flamingos is called the flamboyance, as these are commonly found on the East Africa’s large lakes, mostly the flamingos are majorly found in Lake Nakuru in Lake Nakuru National Park in  Kenya these attract a vast number of the tourists worldwide to see the unique pink millions of the flamingos especially during the breeding season in Kenya, flamingos have got a striking and beautiful sight with the leg and neck stretched out straight. The flamingos are the most interesting bird species that should not be missed out minus being spotted on Kenya Safari the flamingos often stands on one leg.

Flamingos are the among the most beautiful nature and attractive bird species that are sighted by the tourists who visit Kenya, these have got pink feathers and they are known as the strangest bird species, they eat with their heads facing upside down, and sleep with their heads on their backs, the flamingos do often rest by standing on one leg.

Why do Flamingos Stand on one Leg
Flamingos in Lake Nakuru

Though the flamingos do spend most of their time while standing in water, this can lower body temperature fairly quickly hence the need for the heat conservation, flamingos are such unique bird species in fact they always stand on one leg because of the physiologically easier for them to do so, also the way their legs work it means that they can rest all of their weight on one side without even having to use their own muscles to maintain their balance.

Why do flamingos stand on one leg?

The flamingos usually stand on one leg because it is a natural reflex, and also it helps the flamingos to maintain their balance and keeps them from falling over. The flamingos always feel comfortable and resting by standing on one leg and also standing on one leg reduces the muscle fatigue of the flamingo thus allowing them to move quickly in case they are threatened by the predators. While standing on one leg the flamingos usually gain the energy-saving activity, so the flamingos are more stable for long period of time on one leg than they are on two legs this is because the ligaments and tendons in their legs can be locked in position and it reduces any muscular effort to stay in one place.

It is also said that according to research to why the flamingos stand on one leg is because they always do it to maintain their body temperature that is due to the fact that the birds lose a lot of heat through their legs and feet, so holding one leg closer and next to their body helps them to stay comfortable and this conceivably helps them to stay warm in their life time, this is clearly witnessed in Kenya at Lake Nakuru therefore you are required to contact and plan your safari with the focuseastafricatours.com to enjoy all the best and also to see how the flamingos do stand on one leg as the way of their living as also part of their life.  Since the flamingos are most know water birds, they have very reduced blood vessels in their legs. They have a counter-current heat system, meaning they warm blood that’s returning from the foot to the body, and cools blood that’s leaving the body to foot.

Also the flamingos do stand on one leg in order for the flamingos to reduce the exposure to waterborne parasites and other hazards from entering their bodies and affect them so standing on one leg reduces the chances of getting some of the parasites to enter their bodies from their environment.

Why do Flamingos Stand on one Leg
Lake Nakuru National Park Flamingos

Like the way most of us do struggle standing on one leg even you cannot exceed 10 seconds, the flamingos do it perfectly by remaining  perfect while standing on one leg for around four hours  and it uses only one leg to stand even without need for switching another one, so one leg of a flamingo does not get fatigued, so the tourist are highly welcomed to explore Kenya safari destination on their safari as to see how these amazing bird creatures make it to stand on one leg for a quiet period of time in the wilderness.

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